Hi Reader--
We all know how it goes--life seems to work in a way we least expect it to be and most of the time it fails our expectation no matter how intelligent we are. When we fail, most of us are always up to common feelings such as hatred, sadness, anxiety, regret, and dismay among others--all of which are negative emotions.
But think about it this way. Did any of those reaction to failure actually bring us closer to the achievement of our dreams or goals? Or, it just took you away from the good life that you desire?
Reader, the fact is, negative emotions can only tempt you to act and react negatively that bring about negative and undesirable results. Most often than not, this is why we fail further.
Emotions are so powerful that they can make up a dream, transform relationships, build a great family, attract more money. But that's only if your feeling positive emotions. Can you imagine a person who's always angry? I'd bet he has only a few in his bank or in his pocket. I'd bet that he only have a few friends. I'd bet he's not doing well in his career.
Positive emotion if repeated from time to time generates positive vibration that makes you attract positive events and circumstances on your life. When you have this, you're actually in an upward spiral way to succeed.
It was a couple of years ago when my emotion almost put me to death. That's the time when everything else including my financial and relational life were all tearing apart. I was broke and unhappy. But the public perception was I was fine and happy.
Thinking that I've nothing more to do and that there's only one resort for me not to see myself in the mirror, I almost killed myself.
Emotions work in two folds: It can either bring you closer or away from what you really want. If you give in to negative feelings, you'll end up getting negative instances in your life. On the other hand, you can get what you desire if you can maintain that positive feelings in you.
Positive opportunities are for positive people with positive attitude towards life.
Reader, are you on top of your emotion? You know the answer because the answer is in you!
taken from the unanimous articles.
this is very true.